Mexican Hot Chocolate
This week really let me know Winter was coming. Thunderstorms, super freezing winds, end of day light savings and very cold temperatures. All of that with NO HEATING. Not that I'm complaining, I've always opted for putting on a jumper (or my dressing gown in the day time!) before putting the heater on but, it's so so so cold in the mornings and in the evenings and I kind of miss having one! For those of you who didn't see, we bought a house late last year. It's amazing, and old, and has fireplaces (with no actual ability to burn wood lol!), and original floorboards, and is a piece of heaven that we now own. But it doesn't have heating..or cooling for that matter. Or insulation actually. Needless to say I've been basically living on a diet of soups, bread, pasta, stews and this amazingly delicious and warming Mexican hot chocolate.
It's not just warming because it's obviously 'hot' but because I've added some truly warming spices that light a fire in your chest that keeps burning until bed time.
And in case you're wondering, I booked in the installation of our new ducted heating system this Wednesday. I'm sure you can imagine I'm excited not to walk around all day in every item of clothing I own or to rinse my hands in hot water to thaw them out every hour ha! Next on the list, re-stumping, insulation and before Summer's back again, cooling!