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How to be a gourmet lazy foodie

I feel like there is no slowing down lately. We have moved house and put all of our household everything into storage while we live at my in-laws and house hunt (which is proving more difficult than we thought!), I am still working flat out on client recipes, my own recipes and getting everything in order to launch my very own brand of healthy do-it-yourself mixes.

Win with Eat Fit Food!

As you guys know if you follow me on Instagram, I have spent the past week packing like a crazy woman and moving house in addition to working at my usual rate. Needless to say, I was spent by the time 5pm rolled around each night. Thank goodness the amazing team at Eat Fit Food came to my rescue with healthy, wholesome and hearty meals.

Lunching Lighter With Cruskits and Vita-Weats

Did you know that more than 3.8 million Australians skip lunch thinking they will get more done? But by 12pm blood sugar levels begin to drop leaving you feeling tired and having trouble concentrating. Taking a few minutes for a light lunch helps to re-fuel your body and get you ready to take on the afternoon. Good choices for lunch are quality carbohydrates, protein, good fats and some vegetables or fruit.

Brunch with Mix Apparel

Nothing beats brunch on the weekend especially after a little exercise, it's such a relaxing way to ease into my days off after I've got my work out done and dusted. Before I workout, I always have a pre-workout snack and The Bar Counter is perfect. It's delicious, all natural and packed with nuts and dried fruit. Peanut butter is my absolute fave at the moment!

A Healthy Start to The New Year: Mix Apparel at Coles Supermarkets

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and are getting back into the groove of healthy, balanced meals and a little more movement! I started my new year in Bali this year and it was absolute bliss. Think early(ish) mornings, long walks in the soft sand (great for your legs and pretty much like a foot exfoliation at the same time!), fresh smoothies for brekky, then a dip in the ocean, some beachside stretching and a walk back home. My go-to 'uniform' for my active routine has heavily featured the new Mix Apparel range now available at 740 Coles supermarkets nation-wide.